Results 29 August 2022

Course             Old Course       Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Sunny               Players               22 members

  • Avoid slow play: Always watch your partners’ shots to speed up finding balls in the rough.

Results                                         Gross   Net   Points
1st         Tom Guthrie                            94        68        40
2nd        David Lynn                              87        70        38
3rd        John Campbell                        90        73        35
Best Gross
Jeff Salant                                           86
Best Nine
Tom Guthrie                                        23
Nearest to Pin:
2nd        David Lynn
6th        Jeff Salant
13th      Ron Bensky
16th      Garth Irvine    



Booking sheet
Next fixture: Friday 2 September, Old Course, Ambrose, tee-off 9.00 am, cards in 8.40 am
Please note changes to fixtures from Old to Tuart Course in Sept, now updated on website but recommend printing new fixtures sheet circulated at the week-end because we are back to a variety of start times in Sept/Oct compared to a recent run of 9am starts on both courses.
Please also note the Ray Dale Pairs Championship will be held on Friday 16 and Monday 19 September with both days’ play now to be on the Tuart Course.

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