Results 2 September 2022

Course            Old Course      Competition   Ambrose
Conditions     Cloudy             Players             22 members

  • Avoid slow play: Players should complete their shot within 30 seconds of their ball becoming available to play in normal circumstances – minimise time by thinking about club selection and distance to hole as you approach your ball and leave buggy adjacent to it and not behind it. Thirty seconds is generally ample time for lining up the shot, judging or measuring the distance, and having a single practice swing, and irrespective of whether it is a putt, a tee shot, or a shot from the fairway or rough. 

Results                                                                                                Gross   Net     
1st        Tom McClain/Jeff Salant/Tom Guthrie                                    68        58.2
2nd       Mike Kimbar/John Campbell/Adam Zieba/David Hayes     68        58.5
3rd       Garth Irvine/ David Lynn/John Allen/Gerry Gillett               68        58.8
4th       Alf Pezzali/Grant Saunders/Steve Huckle/Chris Wynne        71        60.6
5th       Rolfe Heldt/Mike Spencer/Bruce Morrison                               71        61.2
Last     John Stone/Graham Guy/Ric Haddleton/Barry Boyd            75        65.2

Nearest to Pin:
2nd        Grant Saunders
6th        Rolfe Heldt
13th      David Hayes
16th      John Allen       



Booking sheet
Next fixture: Monday 5 September, Tuart Course, Par, tee-off 9.00 am, cards in 8.40 am
Please note changes to fixtures from Old to Tuart Course in Sept, now updated on website .
Please also note the Ray Dale Pairs Championship will be held on Friday 16 and Monday 19 September with both days’ play now to be on the Tuart Course – please record your entry to the competition via the Booking Sheet.

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