Ray Dale Pairs Championship Day 1, 16 Sept 2022

Course            Tuart Course   Competition   Ray Dale Pairs Championship Day 1,
                                                                                     stableford best ball
Conditions      Sunny               Players            22 members

  • Avoid slow play: Try to maintain a good pace when walking down the fairway.

Day 1 Results  (no count-back applied)                                      Points
M Kimbar/S Parkinson, G Saunders/T Guthrie, Alan Smith/G Guy    43
T McClain/B Morrison                                                                                    41
G Irvine/R Bensky                                                                                            40
J Campbell/A McLean                                                                                     37
J Stone/S Huckle, D Lynn/B Boyd, J Allen/D Hayes                               34

Individual Results                                   Gross            Net        Points
1st             Grant Saunders                                  84                 69             37
2nd            Rolfe Heldt                                         83                 71              35
3rd c/b       Alan Smith                                        88                 73             33
4th             Mike Spencer                                     88                 73             33

Best Gross
Rolfe Heldt                                                         83
Best Nine
Grant Saunders                                                  22
Nearest to Pin:
3rd            Mike Kimbar
6th             Graham Guy
13th           Steve Parkinson
16th           Rolfe Heldt                                        



Booking sheet
Next fixture: Monday 19 September, Tuart Course, Ray Dale Pairs Championship Final Day, tee-off in reverse order of score for today 9.08 am, cards in 8.48 am
Please note changes to fixtures from Old to Tuart Course in Sept, now updated on website but recommend printing new fixtures sheet circulated at the week-end because we are back to a variety of start times in Sept/Oct compared to a recent run of 9am starts on both courses.  Please record your intention to play a week in advance via the Booking Sheet.

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