Results 23 September 2022

Course             Tuart Course    Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Sunny               Players            20 members

  • Avoid slow play: Lost ball – definition in the Rules – “The status of a ball that is not found in three minutes after the player or his or her caddie (or the player’s partner or partner’s caddie) begins to search for it.” To limit time looking for lost balls, club rules provide for a ball drop on the fairway adjacent to where it is believed to be lost; also consider hitting a provisional when a ball is potentially lost.

Results                                                           Gross            Net       Points
1st             John Campbell                                   83                 66             40
2nd c/b     Alan Smith                                          85                 70             36
3rd c/b      Ron Bensky                                         87                 70             36
4th             Graham Guy                                       88                 70             36
Best Gross
John Campbell                                                    83
Best Nine
Alan Smith                                                           23
Nearest to Pin:
3rd            Bruce Morrison
6th            Garth Irvine
12th          Chris Wynne
18th          Steve Huckle                                     



Booking sheet
Next fixture: Tuesday 27 September, Tuart Course, stableford, tee-off 9.48 am, cards in 9.30 am
Please record your intention to play a week in advance via the Booking Sheet.

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