Results 30 Sept 2022

Course             Old Course       Competition   Stroke
Conditions      Sunny               Players              23 members

  • Avoid slow play: If not playing in your partner’s potential line of flight, move up to your ball to determine your shot and select your club while he prepares to play. Play out of turn when ready even if you are closer to the pin.

Results                                                    Gross            Net          
1st              David Hayes                                90                 68
2nd            Darren Lloyd                               76                 73
3rd c/b      John Campbell                           93                 76
Also on net 76 – Graham Guy, Rolfe Heldt & Garth Irvine
Best Gross
Darren Lloyd                                                 76
Best Nine
Front 9      Chris Wynne                               33
Back 9       David Hayes                                33
Nearest to Pin:
2nd             Graham Guy
6th             Tom McClain
13th           David Hayes
16th           Carl Colli                                    



Booking sheet
Next fixture: Monday 3 October – Old Course, 7.32am start, cards in at 7.10am.  Please record your intention to play a week in advance via the Booking Sheet.

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