Results 17 October 2022

Course             Old Course       Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Sunny               Players             18 members

  • Avoid slow play: At the green, leave your buggy at the back or at the side nearest the next tee.

Results                                                    Gross            Net       Points       
1st              Barry Boyd                                  94                 67             41
2nd             Tom Guthrie                               97                 71             37
3rd             Steve Huckle                               93                 72             36
Special mention – three players with 35 points – Tony Fisk, Ric Haddleton & Garth Irvine
Best Gross
Tony Fisk                                                       78
Best Nine
Tom Guthrie                                                  22
Nearest to Pin:
2nd             Ian Johnsen
6th             Steve Huckle
13th           Tom Guthrie
16th           Tony Fisk                                    



Booking sheet
Next fixture: Friday 21 October – Club Championship, stroke, Old Course, 6.28am start, cards in at 6.10am.  Please record your intention to play a week in advance via the Booking Sheet which has been updated/unscrambled.

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