Club Championship, Day 1 21 Oct 22

Course             Old Course       Competition   Club Championship Day 1, Stroke
Conditions      Sunny               Players            20 members

  • Avoid slow play: When a member of group is raking a bunker his playing partners move on to play their shots or to putt out.

Championship Results (gross score)
                                                           Gross            Net                 
1st        Tom McClain                              83                 71            
2nd       Alan Smith                                  87                 71
3rd       Garth Irvine                                88                 73
4th       John Allen                                   89                 71
5th       John Stone                                  90                 74
6th       Mike Kimbar                              90                 75
7th       Carl Colli                                      91                 77
8th       Grant Saunders                          92                 75
9th       John Campbell                           92                 75
10th     Alf Pezzali                                    93                 78
11th      Ric Haddleton                            96                 78
12th     Richard Russell                          96                 80
13th     Barry Boyd                                  97                 72
14th     Tom Guthrie                               99                 74
15th     Steve Huckle                               99                 79
16th     Steve Parkinson                        107                74
17th     Bruce Morrison                         107                88
Best Gross
Tom McClain                                          83
Best Nine
Garth Irvine                                            33
Nearest to Pin:
2nd     Carl Colli 
6th      Ric Haddleton
13th     Steve Parkinson
16th     Steve Huckle                                                   



Booking sheet
Next fixture: Monday 24 October, Tuart Course, tee-off 7am, cards in 6.40 am.  Please record your intention to play a week in advance via the Booking Sheet which has been updated/unscrambled.

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