Club Championship Results 24 October 2022

Course             Tuart Course    Competition   Club Championship Day 2, Stroke
Conditions      Sunny                Players             18  members

Avoid slow play: Do not linger over a missed putt; putting out is desirable but not essential and, if not putting out promptly, let playing partners know your intention.
Club Championship:
The club championship competition was played over two fine generally sunny days, 21 and 24 October 2022, on both courses at Wembley Golf Complex.  Friday’s play on the Old Course saw Captain Tom McClain heading the leader board with 83 gross, 71 net.  He was followed up by Alan Smith with gross 87, Garth Irvine 88, John Allen 89, Mike Kimbar 90 and John Stone 90.  Handicap leaders at the conclusion of day 1 were Tom McClain, Alan Smith and John Allen all with net 71, from Barry Boyd 72 and Garth Irvine 73. B Grade leaderboard was headed by Barry Boyd 97 from Tom Guthrie 99 – there were only three entrants for that grade which the committee will need to address.  Monday’s play on the Tuart Course saw Tom McClain claim the A Grade championship with a gross 87 (combined 170) whereas all his followers from Friday scored in the nineties.  Carl Colli had an excellent round scoring gross 84 (combined 175) to force his way onto the leaderboard and claim second place from three players with a combined gross of 180 – Garth Irvine, John Campbell and John Allen, who claimed the handicap championship with a combined net of 145, one shot better than Steve Parkinson on 146.  Meanwhile, Barry Boyd was unable to defend his B Grade lead which passed to Tom Guthrie with a combined gross of 196.  Full scores attached.

Club president Richard Russell (left) congratulates club champion Tom McClain (right)

The three champions – Tom Guthrie (left), Tom McClain (centre) and John Allen (right)

Results Monday Stroke                            Gross               Net
1st        Graham McHarrie                                      91                    68
2nd       Carl Colli                                                      84                    70
3rd       Tony Fisk                                                      76                    71           
Best Gross
Tony Fisk                                                                  76                                   
Best Nine
Carl Colli                                                                  32
Nearest to Pin:
3rd        Carl Colli
6th       Bruce Morrison
12th     Tony Fisk
18th     Tony Fisk                                                     



Booking sheet
Next fixture: Friday 28 October, Tuart Course, stableford, tee-off 7am, cards in 6.40 am.  Please record your intention to play a week in advance via the Booking Sheet which has been updated/unscrambled.

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