Results 28 October 2022

Course             Tuart Course   Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Sunny               Players             16 members

  • Avoid slow play: Lowest handicapper has responsibility to keep the group moving.

Results                                                    Gross            Net        Points       
1st             Tony Fisk                                     75                 70             36
2nd C/B    Tom McClain                              84                 73             33
3rd C/B     Ric Haddleton                            91                 73             33
4th             Mike Spencer                             89                 73             33
Best Gross
Tony Fisk                                                       75
Best Nine
Tony Fisk                                                       19
Nearest to Pin:
3rd              Mike Spencer
6th             Ric Haddleton
13th           Barry Boyd
16th           Grant Saunders                          



Booking sheet
Next fixture: Monday 31 October – stableford on the Old Course, 7.32am start, cards in at 7.10am.  Please record your intention to play a week in advance via the Booking Sheet

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