Results 31 October 2022

Course             Old Course       Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Sunny               Players             17 members

The last competition of our financial year and hence the last entries in the eclectic worksheet for 2021/2.  New eclectic and podium worksheets will be available from Friday this week.

Results                                                   Gross            Net        Points       
1st              Garth Irvine                                80                 65            43
2nd C/B    Grant Saunders                           87                 71             37
3rd             Tom Guthrie                                96                 71             37
Correction – Special mention should have been given to Steve Parkinson who, with a gross of 105, got 36 points and should have come fourth – the computer did not print out his handicap and he guessed it instead of checking it so got it wrong!  Richard Russell c/b Graham McHarrie & Ric Haddleton came equal 5th with 34 points.
Best Gross
Garth Irvine                                                  80
Best Nine
Garth Irvine                                                  22
Nearest to Pin:
2nd             Steve Huckle
6th             Tony Fisk
13th           Graham McHarrie
16th           Bruce Morrison                          
Next fixture: Friday  – Old Course, stableford, 6.28am start, cards in at 6.10am.  Please record your intention to play a week in advance via the Booking Sheet

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