Results 4 Nov 2022

Course             Old Course       Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Sunny               Players            13 members and a guest

The fist competition of our financial year 2022-3.  New eclectic and podium worksheets will be available from links below.

Results                                                     Gross            Net       Points       
1st              Mike Kimbar                               80                 63             43
2nd             John Allen                                   87                 69             39
3rd C/B      Carl Colli                                     85                 71              38
4th             Bruce Morrison                          90                 70             38

Best Gross
Mike Kimbar                                                 80
Best Nine
Mike Kimbar                                                 23
Nearest to Pin:
2nd             Garth Irvine
6th             –
13th           Mike Kimbar
16th           Grant Saunders



Booking sheet
Next fixture: Monday 7 November – Tuart Course, Russian pairs stableford (your score multiplied by partner’s score), 7.00 am start, cards in at 6.40am.  Please record your intention to play a week in advance via the Booking Sheet

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