Results 7 November 22

Course             Tuart Course    Competition   Russian pairs stableford
Conditions      Sunny               Players              19 members and a guest

Pairs Results                                                                                          Points
1st              Tony Fisk & Steve Parkinson                                                         76
2nd             Garth Irvine & Ric Haddleton                                                       73
3rd             Karl Carter & Steve Huckle                                                            66
4th equal    Rolfe Heldt & Barry Boyd, David Lynn & John Campbell     53  

Individual Results                               Gross       Net       Points       
1st              Ric Haddleton                             85               68           38
2nd             Steve Parkinson                       100               69            37
3rd equal    Garth Irvine & David Lynn                        70             36              

Best Gross
Tony Fisk                                                       75
Best Nine
Ian Johnsen c/b Steve Parkinson             21
Nearest to Pin:
3rd            Steve Huckle
6th             Mike Kimbar
12th           Barry Boyd
18th           Tom McClain



Booking sheet
Next fixture: Monday 11 November – Tuart Course, stableford, 7.00 am start, cards in at 6.40am.  Please record your intention to play a week in advance via the Booking Sheet

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