Results 27 February 2023

Course             Old Course       Competition   Match-play round 1/stableford
Conditions      Sunny                           Players            21 members

Match-play Results

Tom McClain def David Hayes 2 up, Steve Parkinson def David Connor 1 up, John Allen def Bruce Morrison 3 & 2, Graham Guy def Garth Irvine 3 & 2, John Campbell def Tony Fisk 7 & 6, and Steve Huckle def John Stone 3 & 2.  Ladder attached.

Stableford Results                                     Gross     Net          Points                         
1st               Tom Guthrie                                       93          72            36
2nd              David Lynn                                         91          77             31
3rd               Graham McHarrie                           100        78             30
4th               Ian Johnsen                                        95         80            28
5th               Barry Boyd                                        108         82            26
6th               Alan Smith                                        101          83            25
7th               Ron Bensky                                       102         83            25
(0nly 7 participants – no Miscore Report available)

Best Gross
David Lynn                                                       91

Best Nine
Tom Guthrie                                                    21

Nearest to Pin
2nd             Bob Hopkins
6th             Garth Irvine
13th            Graham Guy
16th           Graham Guy


Booking sheet


Next fixture: Friday 3 March 2023, Old Course, Match-play round 1 or stableford for those not in the match-play round 1 draw, 7.08 am start, cards in at 6.45 am.

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