Results 7 March 2023

Course             Tuart Course                Competition   Match-play round of 16/stableford
Conditions      Sunny                            Players             17 members

Match-play Results
Steve Parkinson def Alan Smith 2 up, John Allen def Barry Boyd 2 up, Ian Johnsen def Tom McClain 6 &4.  Ladder attached.

Stableford Results                                     Gross     Net       Points
1st               Tom Guthrie                                       88          68            38
2nd c/b       Ron Bensky                                        90          72            34
3rd               Darren Lloyd                                      74          72            34       
(Miscore Report attached)

Best Gross
Darren Lloyd                                                          74

Best Nine
Front –       Tom Guthrie c/b John Campbell    19
Back –        Ron Bensky c/b Tom Guthrie          19

Nearest to Pin
3rd             Tom McClain
6th             Steve Huckle
12th            John Allen
18th           Darren Lloyd


Booking sheet


Next fixture: Friday 10 March 2023, Tuart Course, Match-play round of 16 or stableford for those not in the match-play draw, 7.08 am start, cards in at 6.40 am.

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