Results 31 Mar 2023

Course             Old Course               Competition   Matchplay / Stableford
Conditions      Rain clearing           Players            16 members

Matchplay Final
Ian Johnsen defeated Alf Pezzali 5 and 3 after being all square after 9 holes.
Congratualtions to Ian seen below holding the Jack Oehlers Plate
with Captain Tom and the unlucky loser Alf.

Stableford Results                                       Gross    Net      Points                                                    
1st               Garth Irvine    cb                                85          72            36
2nd               Andy McLean                                    94          72            36
3rd               David Hayes   cb                               97          75            33
                   Mike Spencer                                     89          75            33
(Miscore Report attached)

Best Gross
Garth Irvine                                                       85

Best Nine
Front         John Campbell                               19
Back          David Hayes                                    19

Nearest to Pin
2 nd            Andy McLean 
6th             David Lynn
13th           Ian Johnsen
16th           Tom McClain


Booking sheet


Next fixture: Monday, 3 April, Tuart Course, Stableford  Russian Pairs
9:00 am tee-off cards in at 8:40 am.

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