Results 21 April 2023

Course             Tuart Course   Competition   Captain’s Trophy, Stroke
Conditions      Sunny              Players            22 members

Results                                               Gross     Net                                                           
1st               Tom McClain c/b                85           75
2nd               Steve Huckle c/b                95           75
3rd               Rolfe Heldt                          84           75
(Miscore Report attached)

      Thanks to Tom for an enjoyable Captain’s Trophy Day despite the fact he walked off with his own trophy on a day of generally high scores. Actually he didn’t, because the trophy has mysteriously disappeared. Could last year’s winner please bring it to the next comp so we can present it to Tom and take his picture.  – 12 May 2023 – all’s well, trophy found and photo taken:

Best Gross
Rolfe Heldt                         84

Best Nine Net
Garth Irvine                      35

Longest Drive 0-18
Mike Spencer

Longest Drive 19-36
Tom Guthrie

Nearest to Pin
3rd             David Lynn
6th             Tom McClain
12th           Steve Thomas
18th           Chris Wynne


Booking sheet


Next fixture: Monday 24 April, Old Course, Stableford tee-off times as per email notification, cards in 20 minutes before your tee time.

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