Cecil McPhee Trophy results 11 Aug 2023

Today’s event was the 2023 competition for the Cecil McPhee Trophy and was won by David Lynn with a score of 38 stableford points.  The trophy competition is medal stableford where points are awarded hole-by-hole off scratch – ie 2 for a par, 1 for a bogey and zero for a double-bogey with a wipe earning minus 1.  Chris Wynne was a worthy runner-up with 36 points.  There was a small turn-out for the event partly due to a rather dismal start to the day weatherwise although it turned into a sunny morning by the time we were off the first tee, and partly due to holidays and a number of other commitments preventing members attending.  The photo shows captain Tom McClain congratulating the winner, David Lynn.

A week ago, captain Tom McClain scored an eagle 3 on the par-5 17th hole on the Old Course – copy of his card is below – congratulations Tom!


Course             Tuart Course                Competition   Medal Stableford, Cecil McPhee Trophy
Conditions      Sunny                           Players            13

Results                                                        Gross    Net     Points                                  
1st         David Lynn                                             83          68          38
2nd         Chris Wynne                                          94          70          36
3rd         John Campbell                                      93          75          31
(Match Report attached.  If you click on a name in the report, you can see their hole-by-hole score as in the above card for Tom McClain)

Best Gross
David Lynn                                                            83

Best Nine
(not determined due to scoring system in medal stableford)

Nearest to Pin
3rd                  Mike Spencer
6th             –
12th            Alan Smith
18th           Rolfe Heldt


Booking sheet


Next fixture: Monday 14 August, Old Course, stableford, 9.00 am tee-off, cards in at 8.40 am.

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