Results 8 September 2023

Course             Tuart Course                            Competition   Stableford
Conditions      Mostly Sunny                           Players            13 members

      Results                                               Gross         Net      Score                                                 
1st              Barry Boyd                                    98               74            35
2nd             Alan Smith                                    90              72            34  
3rd              Ron Bensky                           93              74            32

      (Miscore Report attached)                          

Best Gross
Alan Smith and Garth Irvine 90

Best Nine
Ron Bensky                                                     19

Nearest to Pin
3rd              Ron Bensky
6th              –
12th            John Stone
18th            Grant Saunders


Booking sheet


Next fixture: Monday 11th September 2023, Old Course, Mike’s Monthly Medal – stroke and putts, 9.00 am start, cards in at 8.40 am.  All the best to Grant and welcome back John Stone.  Also welcome back to John Allen on Monday.

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