Results 9 October 2023

Course             Tuart Course                             Competition 3-ball ambrose
Conditions      Sunny and warm                      Players           15 members

Results                                                                              Gross     Net                                      
1st          Tom McClain/John Campbell/Barry Boyd            70          60.87
2nd         Ian Johnsen/Ric Haddleton/David Hayes            73          63.0
=3rd      Garth Irvine/Graham Guy/Steve Parkinson         74          63.5
             Richard Russell/Tom Guthrie/Gerry Gillett          73          63.5

Nearest to Pin
3rd                  Garth Irvine
6th            Graham Guy
12th           Tom McClain
18th           Ian Johnsen


Booking sheet


Next fixture: Friday 13 October, Tuart Course, stableford, tee-off 7.00, cards in 6.40am

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