Results Mike’s Monthly Medal 6 Nov 23

Course             Tuart Course             Competition    Stroke – Mike’s Monthly Medal
Conditions      Sunny                         Players                20 members

Results                                                          Gross    Net
1st  c/b   Bruce Morrison                                     87          66
2nd         Richard Russell                                      81          66
3rd         Barry Boyd                                             94          67
Match Report attached

Best Gross
Darren Lloyd                                                        77

Best Nine
Richard Russell c/b Graham Guy                    31

Nearest to Pi
3rd                  Darren Lloyd
6th            Tom McClain
12th          Graham Guy
18th          Darren Lloyd

Booking sheet


Podium Points

Next fixture: Friday 10 November, Tuart Course, stableford, tee-off 7.00, cards in 6.40 am
Reminders:  Fred Sorenson ambrose competition and AGM 24 November, Trophy Presentation on December 6, 12 for 12.30pm, Gerry Gillett 4-club stableford 8 December.

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