Fred Sorenson Trophy Results 24 Nov

Course             Tuart Course            Competition    Fred Sorenson Trophy, ambrose
Conditions      Sunny                        Players               15 members

The club’s first trophy event in the 2023-4 financial year was the Fred Sorenson Trophy ambrose competition.  The day was forecast to be a continuation of 4o-degree heat wave, but dawned humid and a splendid sea breeze arrived about 9 am.  However, playing numbers were down as a result and only 15 members competed in teams of three.  The winners scored two bogeys in the first nine but recovered with help from Captain Tom to score 3 birdies in the second to finish one under the card at 69.  With a combined handicap of 8.5, their net score was 60.5.  Strangely, the teams finished in the same order as their scores.

Results                                                                                   Gross     Net
1st                Tom McClain/David Hayes/John Campbell         69          60.5
2nd              Rolfe Heldt/Tom Guthrie/Chris Wynne                70          61.1             
3rd               David Lynn/Alf Pezzali/Barry Boyd                       71          61.7
4th               Garth Irvine/Ian Johnsen/Graham McHarrie     71          62.2
5th               Carl Colli/Alan Smith/Steve Huckle                      74          65.3 

Nearest to Pin
6th             Rolfe Heldt
12th           Rolfe Heldt
18th           David Lynn

Booking sheet


Podium Points

Next fixture: Monday 27 November, Old Course, par, tee-off 7.40, cards in 7.20 am
Trophy Presentation on December 6, 12 for 12.30pm at the Odin Tavern, must be paid for by 1 Dec
Gerry Gillett 4-club stableford 8 December.

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