Results 1 December 2023

Course             Old Course                Competition      Stableford
Conditions      Sunny                        Players                19 members

Results                                                              Gross    Net     Points
1st                Bruce Morrison                                      89          69          39
2nd              David Lynn                                             87          72          36
3rd              Graham Guy                                           91           73          35
Match Report attached

Best Gross
David Lynn                                                            87

Best Nine
Bruce Morrison                                                    22

Nearest to Pin
2nd                 David Lynn
6th           John Stone
13th          Ric Haddleton
16th          Garth Irvine

Booking sheet


Podium Points

Next fixture: Monday 4 December, Tuart Course, stableford, tee-off 7.00, cards in 6.40 am
Trophy Presentation on December 6, 12 for 12.30pm at the Odin Tavern,
Gerry Gillett 4-club stableford 8 December.

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