Results Gerry Gillett Trophy 8 Dec 23

Course             Tuart Course             Competition     Gerry Gillett Trophy Stableford
                                                                                                 4- club event
Conditions      Sunny                        Players                20 members
The competition for the Gerry Gillett 4-Club stableford Trophy was played in pleasant if windy conditions on Friday 8 December 2023 on the Tuart Course.  Generally scores were a bit lower than with a full bag of clubs in normal competitions but there were few complaints about the choice of clubs from members after the golf.  Ian Johnsen (35 points) was the winner by 2 points from Tom McClain with three other members close behind on 32 points David Lynn, Ric Haddleton and Steve Huckle.

Results                                                               Gross    Net     Points
1st                Ian Johnsen                                             88          71          35
2nd              Tom McClain                                          83          73          33
3rd    c/b     David Lynn                                              88          74          32
                   Ric Haddleton                                         93          74          32
                   Steve Huckle                                            92          74          32
Match Report attached

Best Gross
Tom McClain                                                        83

Best Nine
Tom McClain                                                        20

Nearest to Pin
3rd                  Tom Guthrie
6th             Ian Johnsen
12th           –
18th           Ian Johnsen

Booking sheet


Podium Points

Next fixture: Monday 11 December, Old Course, stableford, tee-off 7.00, cards in 6.40 am

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