Mike’s Monthly Medal 2 January 2024

Course             Tuart Course             Competition      Stroke
Conditions      Partly cloudy            Players                13 members

Results                                                              Gross    Net
1st                Rolfe Heldt                                             77          68
2nd             Steve Thomas                                         80          72
3rd   c/b     Ric Haddleton                                        92          73
4th              Graham Guy                                           90          73
Match Report attached (Wembley incorrectly set up the competition as stableford so the results on the print-out do not align with stroke results necessarily)
Mike’ Monthly Medal Winner:
Rolfe Heldt continued his run of excellent rounds with a gross 77 net 68 winning Mike’s bottle of Marlborough Sav Blanc:

Now included in the Trophy Winner’s page of the website is a photo of Ian Johnsen being congratulated by Tom McClain for winning the Gerry Gillett 4-club trophy in December.

Best Gross
Rolfe Heldt                                                           77

Best Nine
Tom McClain                                                        33

Nearest to Pin
3rd                  Ian Johnsen
6th             Rolfe Heldt
12th           Tom McClain
18th           Rolfe Heldt

Booking sheet


Podium Points

Next fixture: Friday 5 January 2024, Old Course, stableford, tee-off 7.00, cards in 6.40 am

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