Results 29 January 2024

Course      Old Course   Competition Stableford Pairs, Better Ball
Conditions   Sunny             Players   15 members

Results                                                                       Points
1st                Tom Guthrie/Steve Huckle                         42
2nd              Graham Guy/Steve Parkinson                   39
3rd               David Lynn/Peter Warschauer                 38
4th               Garth Irvine/Neil Bowler                           37
5th               Ron Bensky/Bruce Morrison                    36

Match Report attached

Best Gross
         Garth Irvine                                                             92

Best Nine       
         Steve Parkinson                                                    20

Nearest to Pin
2nd                   Garth Irvine
6th             Tom Guthrie
13th           Bruce Morrison
16th           Bruce Morrison

Booking sheet


Podium Points

Next fixture: Friday 2 February 2024, Old Course, Stroke MMM, tee-off 7.00am,
cards in by 6.40 am

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