Fergus McDuff event – stroke & putts 12 February 2024

Course             Old Course                Competition      Stroke & Putts
Conditions      Sunny                        Players                 15 members

Results                                                               Gross    Net
1st                Steve Parkinson                                      97          67
2nd c/b       Stephen Thomas                                     84          76
3rd              Ric Haddleton                                          96          76
Match Report attached

Best Gross
Stephen Thomas                                                  84

Best Nine
Steve Parkinson                                                    31

Least putts
Barry Boyd & Stephen Thomas                           27

Most putts and Fergus McDuff Trophy
David Lynn, Graham McHarrie & David Connor  38

Nearest to Pin
2nd                 Tom McClain
6th           Tom McClain
13th          Tom McClain
16th          David Lynn

Booking sheet


Podium Points

Next fixture: Friday 16 February 2024, Old Course, stableford, tee-off 7.00, cards in 6.40 am plus lunch at 300 Acres for those wanting to join the fellowship of their club mates.

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