Results 26 February 2024

Course             Old Course                Competition      Stableford
Conditions      Sunny                        Players                20 members

Results                                                              Gross     Net    Points
1st                Peter Warschauer                                   99          71          37
2nd              Bruce Morrison                                       92          74          34
3rd C/B       John Stone                                              94          75          33
4th              Stephen Parkinson                                 104         74          33
Match Report attached

Best Gross
Tom McClain                                                        90

Best Nine
Stephen Parkinson                                               20

Nearest to Pin
2nd                 Tom McClain
6th            Tom McClain
13th           John Campbell
16th           Barry Boyd

Booking sheet


Podium Points

Putting competition 12 February 2024:
Unfortunately, due to one of them departing the scene hastily, we were unable to capture on film the trio of putters who have been awarded the Fergus McDuff Trophy on 12 February having taken more putts over the 18 holes than anyone else. Pictured below are the three players who distinguished themselves – L-R David Connor, Graham McHarrie & David Lynn:

Next fixture: Friday 1 March 2024, Old Course, ambrose, tee-off 7.00, cards in 6.40 am.

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