Results 1 March 2024

Course             Old Course                Competition      Ambrose
Conditions      Sunny                        Players                20 members and 1 guest

Results                                                                                          Gross    Net
1st                R Heldt/J Allen/S Huckle                                               68          58
2nd              D Lynn/S Edmondston/R Haddleton/P Warshauer 68          58.5
3rd               T McClain/T Guthrie/A Smith                                       69          58.8
4th               G Irvine/A Pezzali/G Guy/D Connor                            70          61
5th               J Campbell/J Stone/B Boyd                                            76          63.8
6th               R & S Russell/B Morrison/G Gillett                              73          64

Nearest to Pin
2nd                 Peter Warshauer
6th            Steve Russell
13th          Steve Huckle
16th          Rolfe Heldt

Booking sheet


Podium Points

Next fixture: Tuesday 5 March 2024, Tuart Course, Monthly Medal Stroke, tee-off 7.40, cards in 7.20 am.

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