Results 15 July 2024

Course             Old Course                               Competition   2-man ambrose
Conditions      Sunny                                       Players            12 members

Results                                                             Gross   Net
1st          Bruce Morrison & Peter Warschauer      77        66
2nd        Graham Guy & Ron Bensky                      78        68
3rd         Tom McClain & Richard Dongray           79        69.9
4th         David Lynn & Barry Boyd                         83        72.75
5th         Steve Huckle & David Hayes                    85        73.75
6th         John Campbell & Graham McHarrie      86        76.5
Nearest to Pin
2nd           John Campbell
6th         David Lynn
13th       –
16th       Peter Warschauer

Booking sheet


Podium Points

Next fixture: Friday 19 July 2024, Old Course, stableford , tee off at 9.40 am, cards in by 9.20 am please

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