Results 9 August 2024

Course            Tuart Course            Competition       Cecil McPhee Trophy stableford
Conditions      Mainly fine                              Players            14 members

Results                                               Gross    Net     Points
1st          Ric Haddleton c/b                        91        70        36
2nd        Tom McClain c/b                         79        70        36
3rd         Carl Colli                                       83        70        36
Match Report attached
Congratulations to Ric Haddleton on winning the Cecil McPhee trophy in a close contest with 3 players all scoring 36 points. This led to much confusion in the countback. At the end of a round the “stableford off scratch” scoring method produces the same number of stableford points as the “standard” method and the cards should balance as per normal. However it is incorrect to use the points shown on today’s back nine in a countback as these points do not take into account the distribution of hole index and a player’s handicap. Therefore today’s count back was based on the normal stableford scoring and was in line with the Miscore printed sheet.
Back nine using scratch points                 Ric 9                 Tom 13             Carl 11
Back nine using standard stableford       Ric 20               Tom 18            Carl 17

Click on the link to see Ric receiving the Cecil McPhee Trophy from Club Captain Tom.

Best Gross
Tom McClain                                                  79
Best Nine
Ric Haddleton                                                20
Nearest to Pin
3rd                      Steve Huckle
6th               –
12th             Garth Irvine
18th             Bruce Morrison

Booking sheet


Podium Points

Next fixture: Monday 12 August 2024, Old Course, Stableford, tee off at 9.00 am, cards in by 8.40 am please

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