Results 26 August 2024

Course             Old Course                              Competition  Stableford
Conditions      Overcast                                  Players            15 members

Results                                             Gross    Net    Points
1st          Tom Guthrie                                89         70        38
2nd        Rick Lazar                                    103       72        36
3rd         Graham Guy                                92         73        35
Match Report attached
Best Gross
S Thomas                                                  82
Best Nine
Rick Lazar                                                 21
Nearest to Pin
2nd           Peter Warschauer
6th         –
13th       Stephen Huckle
16th       John Campbell

Booking sheet


Podium Points

Next fixture: Friday 30 August 2024, Old Course, ambrose , tee off at 9.16 am, cards in by 8.56 am please

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