Ray Dale Pairs second day – 16 Sept 2024

Course             Old Course                Competition       Ray Dale Pairs Championship day 2
Conditions      Sunny                        Players    17 members

The Ray Dale Pairs championship was played over two warm sunny spring days, on Friday 13 September on the Old Course and on Monday 16 September on the Tuart Course.  On Friday, Garth Irvine and Grant Saunders led the field with a good score of 45 for the pair, with Grant starring with 38 points.  Ian Johnsen and Tom Guthrie were tied with 43 points with Carl Colli and Stephen Huckle.  On Monday, Peter Warschauer in partnership with Rolfe Heldt blitzed the field with a partnership score of 49, Peter scoring an outstanding 45 points with a gross of 87 from his 26 handicap.  They were followed home by Ian Johnsen and Tom Guthrie with a score of 45 points to put them in second place overall.  The photo shows Peter (left) and Rolfe (right) being congratulated by captain Tom McClain.

Pairs results                                                     Points
Rolfe Heldt & Peter Warschauer (40+49)            89
Ian Johnsen &Tom Guthrie (43+45)                     88
Garth Irvine & Grant Saunders (45+41)               86
Tom McClain & Graham Guy (40+44)                  84
Tom McClain & Barry Boyd (40+42)                     82
David Lynn & Graham McHarrie (38+42)           80
Carl Colli & Stephen Huckle (43+37)                   80
John Campbell & Bruce Morrison (37+37)          74

Individual Results                      Gross   Net   Points
1st          Peter Warschauer                     87         61        45
2nd        Ian Johnsen                                83         68        38
3rd c/b Grant Saunders                          88         69        37
4th        Ric Haddleton                            90         69        37
Match Report attached (some scores vary to reflect handicaps frozen for pairs)
Best Gross
             Tom McClain                              82
Best Nine
             Peter Warschauer                     23
Nearest to Pin
3rd             John Campbell
6th        David Lynn
12th      Ian Johnsen
18th      Alan Smith

Booking sheet


Podium Points

I hope we are all following Wembley’s newly signposted rules of the course:

Next fixture: Friday 20 Sept 2024, Tuart Course, stableford, tee off at 7.56 am, cards in 20 minutes before please.

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