Results 24 September 2024

Course             Tuart Course             Competition    stableford
Conditions      Sunny                        Players                13 members

Results                                             Gross    Net  Points
1st          Ric Haddleton                            85         65        41
2nd        John Campbell                          86         69        37
3rd        Rolfe Heldt                                 81         70        36
Match Report attached
Best Gross
             Rolfe Heldt                                 81
Best Nine
             Ric Haddleton                            23
Nearest to Pin
3rd             Tom Guthrie
6th        Alan Smith
12th      Grant Saunders
18th      Bruce Morrison

Booking sheet


Podium Points

Next fixture: Friday 27 September, Old Course, par, tee off at 9.08 am, cards in 20 minutes before please.

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