Results 13 December 2024

Course             Old Course                Competition       Ambrose
Conditions      Overcast, humid       Players                19 members

The winning team featuring the club’s oldest player, Gerry Gillett aged 98:

(l-r) Carl Collie, Tom Guthrie, Gerry Gillett & Alan Sherman

Results                                                                            Gross   Net
1st     A Sherman, C Collie, T Guthrie & G Gillett           67        57.625
2nd           S Thomas, B Morrison, G Guy & B Boyd              67        57.75
3rd      I Johnsen, S Edmondston, R Bensky & R Parry 68        58.875
4th      G Irvine, J Stone & S Huckle                                 72        61.8
5th      R Heldt, J Campbell, G McHarrie & D Hayes       71        61.875

Nearest to Pin
2nd      Carl Collie
6th    S Thomas
13th Ian Johnsen
16th S Thomas

Booking sheet


Podium Points

Next fixture: Monday 16 December 2024, Tuart Course, stableford, tee-off 7.00am, cards in by 6.40 am please. 

We received an email from Golf Australia during the week, announcing a number of changes to the handicapping system which will come into effect when Golf Australia switches from the current Golflink software to the new GolfConnect software.  The transition process is being worked on in conjunction with Miscore and other scoring systems used by clubs and the timing will be announced on 29 January.  It is expected that there will be a period of disruption to normal scores at the time.  For those interested in the technicalities of handicapping, the email provides more details of the sort of changes expected.

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