Author Archives: David Hayes

Results 23 May 2022

Course            Old                    Competition   StablefordConditions    Stormy                Players    4 members No Competition  4 brave souls defied the weather prediction and played through hole 5 before a deluge on #6 forced a rethink. The greens became unplayable and holes 7,8 & … Continue reading

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Results 1 April 2022

Course            Tuart             Competition   Russian StablefordConditions    Sunny               Players    16 members Results:             Name                                       Points1st                     David Lynn /  Steve Huckle               762nd                    Tony Fisk / … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Results 1 April 2022

Results 18 February 2022

Course            Old                 Competition    StablefordConditions    Sunny  22-34C    Players    15 members Results:             Name                 Gross    Net    Points1st                     Tom Guthrie               97          72         362nd … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Results 18 February 2022

Results 14 February 2022

Course            Old            Competition     Stroke & PuttsConditions    Sunny  24-34C    Players    17 members Results:             Name                    Gross    Net    1st                      John Allen                     89         732nd                    Ric Haddleton   cb … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Results 14 February 2022

Results 11 February 2022

Course           Tuart                          Competition   StablefordConditions   Sunny/Humid 21-26C     Players   21 members Results:          Name                         Gross    Net     Points  1st                     Tom Guthrie                    94          68         382nd                    Graham Guy                    87          72         343rd                    Mike Kimbar        cb       84          73         … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Results 11 February 2022

Results 7 February 2022

Course           Tuart                   Competition   StablefordConditions   Sunny 19-22C        Players       19 members Results:          Name                           Gross    Net    Points  1st                     Bruce Morrison    cb        88          73         332nd                    Alex Smith            cb        89          73 … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Results 7 February 2022

Results 4 February 2022

Course            Old                    Competition   StablefordConditions    Sunny  28-37C    Players    13 members Results:             Name                     Gross   Net    Points1st                     Tony Fisk                          76       72         362nd               … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Results 4 February 2022

Results 31 January 2022

Course           Old                     Competition   StablefordConditions   Sunny 21-27C      Players       16 members Results:          Name                  Gross     Net      Points 1st                     Tony Fisk                    77           72            362nd                    Darren Lloyd       … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Results 31 January 2022

Results 28 January 2022

Course           Tuart                   Competition   StrokeConditions   Sunny 18-29C       Players       17 members Results:          Name                         Gross        Net       1st                     Tony Fisk           cb          75              702nd                    Mike Kimbar     cb          81             703rd               … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Results 28 January 2022

Results 24 January 2022

Course           Tuart                   Competition   StablefordConditions   Sunny 20-26C      Players       15 members Results:          Name                   Adj Gross   Net   Points1st                     Graham Guy                     83           67     … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Results 24 January 2022