Jock Oehlers Matchplay Championship 2022

After a close fought tussle, with the lead changing several times, the players were even as they approached the 18th.  John Stone hit the ball with the toe of his 3-wood high into the trees to the right of the tee whereas Mike Spencer played his shot towards the gap but into the trees on the right.  John had to play out onto the fairway in front of the big tree and promptly hit his third shot into the trees.  Mike’s second shot put him across the fairway with a good opportunity to play onto the green – he failed to do this and needed a fourth shot to get there. Meanwhile John’s fourth got out onto the fairway and his fifth landed beside the green down the slope on the right needing more than the two shots Mike took to hole the ball and conceding the match by a putt. The final was played in good spirit and with a lot of good shots as well as quite a lot of not-sos reflecting the pressure of competing for the match-play trophy and a voucher worth $100 from Endeavour Hotels as a prize, these going to Mike Spencer.
The photo shows Barry Boyd, deputising for President Richard Russell, congratulating the winner, Mike Spencer (centre) with runner-up John Stone on left.

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