Fred Sorenson Shield 26 November 2021

The Fred Sorenson Shield competition was held on 26 November 2021 in very warm sunny conditions on the Old Course.  It is the first trophy event of the Club’s 2021-2 financial year and is an ambrose event.  There were 7 teams of 3 players per team, with gross scores ranging from 73 for the teams coming first and second, to 79 for the trailing team.  Net scores were very close with the three top teams all within a point –
Results:     Names                            Gross    Net       
1st            M Kimbar/Alex Smith/R Dongray              73           63.16    
2nd          Alan Smith/D Lynn/C Wynne                      73           63.67    
3rd           J Stone/B Morrison/G McHarrie                74           63.83    
The photo shows the glee of the winning team:

(l-r) Alex Smith, Richard Dongray and Mike Kimbar

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