Inaugural President’s Trophy 21 May 2021

The inaugural President’s Trophy was played on the Old Course at Wembley on Friday 21 May 2021 as a stroke competition in beautiful autumn sunshine – perfect golf conditions for the 19 members who competed.  The competition was won by Steve Huckle with a gross of 93 giving a net score of 71.  Second was Ron Bensky with a gross of 92 and a net of 72, and third place went to Grant Saunders gross 95, net 75.  The best gross for the day went to Jeff Salant with 85, whilst Steve Huckle had the best nine with 22 points.  John Campbell achieved the longest drive on the 10th hole, and the closest-to-pin on the par threes were Bruce Morrison, Mike Spencer, Ric Haddleton and Garth Irvine.  The photo shows the President Richard Russell (left) presenting his newly-created perpetual trophy to Steve Huckle:

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