Course Old Course Competition monthly medal stroke & putts
Conditions Sunny Players 12 members
Results Gross Net Putts
1st Garth Irvine 84 70 30
2nd c/b John Campbell 89 72 33
3rd Graham Guy 93 72 28
Match Report attached
Best Gross
Garth Irvine 84
Best Nine
Garth Irvine 33
Least putts
David Lynn 26
Most putts
Steve Huckle & Peter Warschauer 37
Nearest to Pin
2nd Peter Warschauer
6th Steve Parkinson
13th –
16th Garth Irvine
A contrast of happiness and regret – Garth holding the bottle of red wine kindly donated by Graham Guy to the winner of the monthly medal – Garth’s net score of two under par 70 won him the bottle. By contrast, Steve Huckle and Peter Warschauer are holding the Fergus McDuff trophy for the worst putting performance on the day – 37 putts each by comparison to David Lynn’s 26 putts for 18 holes, the best putting performance for the day.
Next fixture: Friday 13 Sept 2024, Old Course, Ray Dale Pairs Championship, tee off at 9.08 am, cards in 10 Minutes before start times below:
Pairs tee-off times:
9.08 Tom McClain & Barry Boyd & Graham Guy, Graeme Richards
9.16 David Lynn & Graham McHarrie, Rolfe Heldt & Peter Warschauer
9.24 Garth Irvine & Grant Saunders, John Campbell & Bruce Morrison
9.32 Carl Colli & Stephen Huckle, Ian Johnsen & Tom Guthrie
(In the 9.08 tee-off, Tom is “swinger” partnering both Barry & Graham, Graeme Richards to accompany them.)
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