Cecil McPhee Trophy – 11 August 2023

The Cecil McPhee Trophy was played for on 11 August 2023 and was won by David Lynn with a score of 38 stableford points.  The trophy is known as the Cesspot and the competition is medal stableford where points are awarded hole-by-hole off scratch – ie 2 for a par, 1 for a bogey and zero for a double-bogey with a wipe earning minus 1.  Chris Wynne was a worthy runner-up with 36 points.  There was a small turn-out for the event partly due to a rather dismal start to the day weatherwise although it turned into a sunny morning by the time we were off the first tee, and partly due to holidays and a number of other commitments preventing members attending.  The photo shows captain Tom McClain congratulating the winner, David Lynn.

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